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What is TCLAS?

Texas COVID Learning Acceleration Supports (TCLAS) is a set of funding and targeted supports available to Local Education Agencies (LEAs) to accelerate student learning in the wake of COVID-19, utilizing state and federal funds. 

High-Impact Tutoring

Early data indicates that school closures and disruptions in SY19-20 and SY20-21 are likely to result in unfinished learning for many students statewide, making multi-year recovery and acceleration supports even more crucial. As LEAs consider how to best facilitate learning acceleration, many are considering high impact tutoring (HIT), as there is strong evidence that high impact tutoring is one of the most effective ways to increase learning gains for students.

High-impact tutoring programs have a few key characteristics:

  • Well-trained, consistent tutor (can be a teacher, paraprofessional, or teacher candidate) who builds a strong relationship with students
  • High-quality instructional material aligned to standards and core classwork
  • One-to-one or small group for individualized support (1-3 student max. ratio recommended)
  • Embedded in, or immediately before or after, the school day to maximize student access At least three sessions per week for sustained support; Minimum of 30 minutes Data-driven with tutors building sessions around student strengths and needs